Consider This

“I Know You”

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” – Jeremiah 1:5

September 30th is the day set aside each year to celebrate the occasion of me being born. This event took place in 1985 and since that time I have been on this quest to fully understand myself in this world. Over the course of 27 years I have discovered, lost, and rediscovered who I am on numerous occasions. There is this journeying back and forth to the mirror to assess and determine whether I recognize the reflection on the other side. Do I really see myself for who I truly am? Do I know who I am?

On this 28th installment of this celebration, I found myself pondering the identity questions once more: “Who is Michael Stewart Wortham? Do I really know me? Am I really honest with myself about my life? Am I on the right career path? Am I really living out God’s will in my life?” As I pondered these questions, I heard a small still voice say,

“I know you.”

This voice then led me to these words found in Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”

The words were reassuring to me because at this critical juncture in my life where internal battles of self-esteem and self-worth are real, career pursuits seem so close but yet so far, along with a myriad of other concerns, God gave me the subtle reminder that God knows EVERYTHING about me. Before I entered a womb to exit, God knew me. Before my parents made any considerations about having me, God had already confirmed my presence.

As I continue to learn myself, God has already stated that I know you in full. As I pondered over this idea of God “knowing” me, I realized that I had been looking for myself in all the wrong places. I was looking for myself in careers, relationships, and education. I was looking for myself in activities that did more harm than good. I considered everyone and everything but the source. If I wanted to find myself, I needed to start with the one who knew me before I knew myself. I needed to start with the one who knew me before the foundations of the earth were made. I needed to start with God.

Jeremiah received this word in his life when he questioned why God would choose him to be a prophet. I received this word in my life as I questioned God about my identity and why God would choose me to lead his people. You may be in a place right now where you are questioning who you are and why God has you in this place and has you doing a particular thing.

I pray these words reassure you just as they reassured Jeremiah and me: “Before I formed you in the womb, I KNEW you…”


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