Consider This

Lent-Day 17: Commitment to Prayer

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

Prayer should not just become rote and devoid of meaning. Prayer is an intimate act with God where we should be able to be our most vulnerable selves. Prayer cannot be limited to providing God our “wish list” of requests and hoping God grants them with the snap of a finger as if God is Genie from Aladdin. Prayer should be more than us calling on God when life is not as pleasant as we would like. Prayer should be an ongoing dialogue where we not only share our hearts with God but we listen for God to share God’s heart with us.

The words “devote” and “watchful” denote that we should give constant attention to prayer. Prayer should not be an afterthought but at the forefront of our minds. Prayer is an important aspect of our spiritual journey. It is through prayer and meditation where we learn the mysteries and wisdom of God. We should be thankful about this because we are fortunate that we have a God where we can this type of relationship. We serve a God we can communicate with directly. We can go before God in the sanctuary of our hearts without pretense. Vulnerability is what makes prayer powerful. As we commit ourselves to prayer, the insecurities we have with ourselves and God begin to diminish. God already knows us fully but we begin to have the courage to see ourselves fully. When we can stand naked and unashamed before God, we will experience a freedom like no other.

Today I want to encourage you to devote yourself to prayer. Commit to creating a sacred time where it is just you and God. Maintain a prayer journal and record your conversations with God. Document what prayers have been prayed and which ones have been answered. The journal will help you see the progress you have made in your relationship with God. Seek God while God can be found and watch the amazing change that is about to take place in your life.

